
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Block 2 Nocturne

Until recently I wasn't familiar with the word "errata", which means a list of corrections to a book.  Unfortunately, I now need to use this word as I have found several errors/omissions in the Nocturne pattern as I make my second Nocturne.  Block 1 was ok but there were 2 omissions on Block 2 which I will include here.

I began my embellishment with the leaves as they are the same as the leaves on Block 1 and won't be damaged as I wad up the block to do the remainder.

This little red bird works up quickly with just a few stitches:
I've received some comments about Satin Stitch being difficult.  Cut out the full bird body including the beak from the red wool.  This will give you a nice base and guideline for the Satin Stitches.  Take it slow and begin at the wide end of the beak, making sure your stitch is straight up and down.  Add the next stitch as close as possible and continue in this manner to the point of the beak.

Blue Birds:

Left Blue Bird:
The "collar" on her neck is 2 lines of Basque Stitch that is then whipped with a second color.
I'm right-handed so I started this on the left side working to the right.  For you lefties, start on the right side.

When the first row is finished turn the block around so the head is "down" and stitch another row.

Now change thread colors and whip the center line where the 2 rows of Basque Stitch meet.

Right Blue Bird:
I make every effort to be clear with my instructions but in the case of this tail a picture is worth 1,000 words.  
The first step is to stitch a line of loops (detached chain or lazy daisy) connected by a straight stitch.  You can start at the base of the tail as in the above photo or at the end of the tail - whichever is easiest for you.

When these stitches are complete change thread to Blood Moon Rising SP5 and Fly Stitch from the end of the tail towards the wing.  See how the "arms" of the Fly Stitch are between the loops?

1st Omission on pattern:
To complete the tail add a Colonial Knot (or French Knot) at the end of each loop and several more under the wing with the Blood Moon Rising SP5.

Silk Ribbon Vine:
This vine is the last thing you stitch on this block.  I used a #18 Chenille needle with the 4mm silk ribbon so there would be less wear on the ribbon as it slides through the needle eye.  Use only about an 18" length of the ribbon at a time as you stitch the vine.  It will take the entire package of silk ribbon (3 yds) that was in your kit to stitch the vine.

Draw a line for the vine with a chalk marker and stitch in the same manner as the loops and straight stitches on the Right Blue Bird's tail.

2nd Omission on pattern:
I forgot to include directions for the stitches outlining the flower which is Pekinese Stitch using the Grandma Moses pearl cotton size 8 for the back stitches and Hummingbirds & Hollyhocks SP5 for the weaving.

Several weeks ago I included a post in "Kerry's Crazy for Embellishment" Facebook group about dye lots and how sometimes the same color threads/wool will look just a little bit different for each dye lot.  As you can see from the above photo the Grandma Moses was quite light and turquoise, matching the center circle.  The newest batch I received is darker and more green in hue.  I used the new one in the Nocturne I'm now making and can assure you that whichever dye lot you have is going to be beautiful.

Are you wondering about this bird's head that you can see in the Block 2 photo?  Well, it's a Looney Bird that will be added when Block 4 and Block 2 are sewn together.  Cute, isn't he?