
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Nocturne - Block 8

My first thought when I look at this block is that it's quite simple.  Just one plant with blooms in different sizes, showing off one of my favorite color combinations - orange and pink.  When I was growing up no one I knew would dare pairing these colors.  It was a rule.  I'm so happy to be a grown-up (for a very long time) that feels completely free to break the rules.

My first suggestion for this block is to notice that this bloom fits quite tight in the background.  Some of the "seeds" on the lower bloom spill over onto Block 7 and the "seeds" on the flower above the bud are very close to the tree trunk (see photo inside your pattern).  Be careful with your placement as you don't want to do any of the dreaded unpicking when you add the tree.

Top Bloom:

Draw a petal shape on each side of the pink wool using a chalk pencil.  No template is needed for this, just draw it in unafraid, remembering that all petals aren't the same size.

These 2 petals will be covered with Double Pekinese stitch which begins with Back Stitch that is then woven back and forth.  I have to refer to my Right Handed Embroiderer's Companion (or Left-Handed for you lefties) each time to get my weaving started off right.  The books are available in my Etsy Shop if you don't already have one.

Tip:  The key to a successful Double Pekinese is stitching the same number of Back Stitches on each side of the petal.

The area between the petals is filled with randomly placed Straight Stitches.  

Tip: Make your first stitch near the top at an angle, filling in with stitches of slightly different lengths and at different directions.  Don't go crazy with this - leave some space between the stitches.

Outline with Bullion Knots.

3 More Blooms and a Bud:
The center section of the remaining blooms and the entire bud are covered with Double Pekinese stitch.  Notice that these smaller blooms are not divided with petals.

Seed Heads: 
Each bloom has 3 long straight stitches radiating out from the center which is then couched down with the same thread to keep it in place.

The seeds are 3 wrap French Knots using 2mm silk ribbon.  You may want to add the French Knots on the lower left bloom after you stitch Blocks 7 and 8 together.

Tip:  Leave some space between the French Knots rather than "packing" them together.  I used  1 package each of Painter's Thread silk ribbon in the colors Longon and  Pomelo.   

The stems and center leaf are embellished with Fly Stitch. I like using variegated threads that bring the colors of the stems/leaf and the blooms together beautifully.

The outside leaves are embellished with a series of Straight Stitch and Detached Chain Stitches (Lazy Daisy) using Shimmer Floss. 

Our next block includes the bunny which I think many of you have been looking forward to.  I love him.

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